Elmea is a consulting company specialized in life sciences and mainly pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnology and cosmetics.
We provide support to our clients from R&D to the distribution and post-market surveillance of their products. Our consultants are highly qualified and operates in Quality... & Regulatory ; Project Management ; Process Management and IT/Digital transformation.
Our values shape the culture and define the character of our company. They are at the heart of who we are and what we do.
At Taleo we believe that every company has a social duty. As a responsible employer, people are our priority. Because humans are actors of their surroundings, we also believe in the environmental liability of every business. For this reason, Taleo takes an active part in different social and ecological operations. The disappearance of bees is one of the main threats to nature. Helping them is a great way to ensure our positive impact on the environment. As proximity is one of our main value, we always chose local partners, with a human-size business. Made In Abeilles was the perfect match for this project.
We can’t wait to taste the honey from our hives and visit our beekeeper !
les chiffres de Elmea :
- 1 Ruche parrainées
- Plus de 50000 abeilles protégées
- Plus de 20 millions de fleurs butinées chaque jour
- 50 pots de miel local offerts
La galerie de Elmea :
Grâce à Elmea, une nouvelle colonie d'abeilles sera offerte à un apiculteur de nos régions au printemps.
Les abeilles sont des pollinisateurs extraordinaires. Une seule colonie de 50000 abeilles peut polliniser jusqu'à 20 millions de fleurs chaque jour en pleine saison.
Les abeilles disparaissent massivement, il faut les protéger, elles ont besoin de nous.
Un immense merci à Elmea pour son précieux soutien !